Modifications to lane connections only affect newly spawned vehicles unless the appropriate option is activated (see section Options & advanced features for further information).While in source lane selection mode you can use the Delete or Backspace key to remove all lane connections from the selected junction.Ressing Shift + S a third time enables "Stay on lane" for the other direction. You see a blue circle indicating that the junction may be selected. I clicked on the Lane connector menu entry: The tool changed to node selection mode. In node selection mode the secondary mouse button does not have any certain function.

While in source lane selection mode click anywhere with your secondary mouse button to switch back to node selection mode.While in target lane selection mode click anywhere with your secondary mouse button to switch back to source lane selection mode.With your secondary mouse button (usually the right one) you can switch backwards among tool modes: In target lane selection mode you may select one or more target lanes by clicking on their markers with your primary mouse button.The target lane selection mode is then activated. In source lane selection mode you may select one source lane by clicking on its respective marker with your primary mouse button.The source lane selection mode is then activated. In node selection mode (which is enabled as soon as you activate the lane connector) you may select one junction/node by clicking on it with your primary mouse button (usually the left one).Lanes that do not have outgoing connections are still being managed by TM:PE's lane selection algorithm (see Vehicle routing, Junction & transition routing). Vehicles approaching at a source lane may only switch to one of its connected target lanes. The tool lets you connect individual lanes with each other: One source lane is allowed to be connected with one or many target lanes. Unlike the lane arrow changer which only allows you to direct traffic into coarse directions (left, forward and right) at junctions only, with the lane connector you are able to force vehicles into following a specific lane changing pattern at (almost) arbitary points within your road network. Support for the old.reddit stylesheet is currently "best effort" as despite our valiant attempts, changes by Reddit are causing things to break or behave inconsistently.The lane connector helps you in situations where you need more control over lane transitions. Cities: Skylines Steam Workshop Hello Old Redditors!