However, it is becoming popular among some drug users to crush up prescription pills, like painkillers or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) meds, and smoke them with foil. A few illicit drugs that are smoked with aluminum foil are heroin, cocaine, and meth/crystal meth (methamphetamine). What Drugs Can Be Smoked With Tin Foil?Įssentially, any drug in powder or black tar form can be smoked using tin foil. Only intravenous drug use produces a faster high, but IV drug use carries a significantly higher risk of HIV, hepatitis, other diseases, or infection. The blood quickly carries the drug across the blood-brain barrier, and the person becomes intensely intoxicated by the substance. The smoke is inhaled into the lungs, which gives immediate access to the bloodstream. Smoking any drug using aluminium foil will result in a more immediate high.

This can lead to a person feeling as though they need to do whatever it takes to get as high as possible. The intention of doing drugs is to get high, to experience euphoria, and to not have to deal with anything that might bring the person down. Many other seemingly harmless items are used to mask or hide paraphernalia, including silk roses (to place in glass bongs or pipes for smoking cannabis), fake or bottomless soda cans, and other items. Simple things found around the house can be used for drugs, such as:

Knowing what to look out for and what to do if you find drug paraphernalia can help you save the life of a friend or family member. It is not always easy to know what drug paraphernalia looks like, or what ordinary household items can be used to do drugs, such as tin or aluminum foil.

However, like all types of drug abuse, smoking with foil is not without risks or side effects. In fact, there are a few different drugs that can be smoked using this method. Using aluminum foil to abuse drugs is not uncommon.